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Click the link! Go! Hurry!Matthew Rossi is back, drooling all over the WoW Insider team as he rants and raves about the sheer awesome that is Titan's Grip. There's plenty of other new things on top of that as well, such as a revamp of the Protection tree, a close look at a few new abilities, and more.Resident ninja master Chase Christian offers up some leveling tips, insight into new abilities, and dabbles in some of the other changes like scaling poisons. I'm not sure what else there is to say here. I mean, they're rogues. Pointy end of the sword (or dagger) goes into the other guy, right? That's pretty straightforward. Wait, what do you mean Rogues can use maces? Those aren't point at all. That doesn't even make sense. Ugh. I guess I should read Encrypted Text more often.The grizzly bear in human form, Matthew Rossi, will be your spirit guide. Whether you're Enhancement, Elemental, or Restoration, nothing you can do will ever be as epic as the Shaman who took out an entire raid group solo. With a single spell. There's some other stuff in there, but really, it all pales in comparison.How do you think? By the way, we are a professional wow gold store have been created for many years, we supply cheap wow gold for local customers.Fast buy wow gold.We provide the cheapest gold all the wow servers and the first class service to our loyal and reliable customers.