WOW GOLD players will be reopening free character transfers.
Now, I'm not arguing that the raid content is any easier or harder than in the past. I've not done any of the 25 man raids yet. I do get the feeling though that the majority of the people I've seen on the forums specifically arguing that the content is too easy, based on the performance or opinions of the top guilds of the world, have not experienced the content either.Is it possible you will draw the same conclusion when you've cleared every 25 man encounter through Arthas (when his time comes)? Of course. When your intuitions grow into experience after you've made such accomplishments you'll have better ground from which to justify your disappointment.Of course we're monitoring your feedback and experiencing the content ourselves. I reiterate that we'll always consider adjusting content for greater ease or difficulty if we feel it is necessary to maintain a fun and rewarding game.If you are experiencing vehicle bugs or have experienced vehicle bugs, please feel free to post them in the thread linked below. Please include as much detail as possible when adding to this thread so that we may better find any possible issues.We will be blocking the transfers of Alliance characters off of the realm Cho'gall in the near future for population balance. If you plan to complete this transfer please do so as soon as possible.WOW GOLD players will be reopening free character transfers to the PvE realm, Fizzcrank, on Wednesday November 19 from 9:00am PST to 2:00pm PST.