Wow Dungeon and raid title guides
Champion of the Frozen Wastes is easily within every player's grasp these days, although it was a bit tougher back when Wrath originally shipped. Getting a kill on every end-boss in Wrath heroics will happen eventually through the Dungeon Finder, and if you're sufficiently patient, eventually Malygos and Sartharion will turn up as weekly raid quests too.
Getting a Kel'Thuzad kill will be the real sticking point, Aion Gold as Naxx just isn't run that frequently these days. You should be able to convene a group of like-minded souls to scrape together a kill on some idle weekend, and I believe it's now possible to skip most of Naxx and go directly to Frostwyrm Lair.
Difficulty: Not difficult so much as time consuming, given that tier 7 content has been outclassed by badge gear.