Wow gold players are also a feature that we will be working on.
As for the long-term planning of 2009, we would like to implement elements that would strengthen the feeling of belonging to the Spellborn world by, for example, allowing Guild Alliances. We are still finalizing the concepts for some elements of the feature which we want to implement at some future point in the year, so for now, hold your horses. Talking about horses, or rather, any potential mounts, wow gold players are also a feature that we will be working on. You know how much we want our world to be coherent in terms of immersion so who knows what mounts will be like…To conclude this Project Update, rest assured that even more content will be implemented to the game over the course of the year, parallel to the features I just explained, ranging from new quests and new instances to new zones and even more.We just known that WoW's Death Knight class available everywhere. Death Knights are World of Warcraft's first Hero class. They were brought into the game with the release of the second expansion, The Wrath of the Lich King. They are an extremely powerful hybrid class that specializes in tanking and damage dealing through the use of both magic and melee with a strong emphasis on melee.If you are looking tobuy a sword do it fast. Reversing earlier restrictions, Blizzard announced today that the new World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King class the Deathknight can now be created on any server.