World of Warcraft Comic Quiz Contest
Do you know Aion kinah lore inside and out? Have you read every issue of the World of Warcraft comic? Then the time has come for you to test yourself once again. You may just win a signed action figure in the attempt.
It's been some time since our last World of Warcraft comic quiz contest, and much has changed in the epic saga of Varian Wrynn. WildStorm continues to chronicle Varian's adventures in the realm of Azeroth with the gripping writing of comic legend Walt Simonson and the magnificent art of Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, and Mike Bowden.
If you haven't caught the last few issues, fear not! Locate a comic store today, or subscribe to the series directly and never miss out again. Need to catch up on the world-shaking actions that continue to shape events in Wrath of the Lich King and beyond? Pick up World of Warcraft Volume 1, a hardcover collection of issues #0 through #7. The collection is on shelves at your nearby comic shop, or you can get it online.