Wintergrasp is designed to engage wow gold players across the whole region.
Setting itself apart from previous world PvP objectives such as Halaa or the spirit towers of Terokkar Forest, Wintergrasp is designed to engage wow gold players across the whole region in intense PvP warfare on an unprecedented scale.The defenders, on the other hand, need to rely on siege-breaking vehicles, defensive turrets, and excellent teamwork to retain ground control and prevent the attackers from breaching the keep's walls.Many of Wintergrasp's buildings are destructible, meaning that siege vehicles such as catapults can damage and eventually destroy them. Each destructible structure has a certain amount of "health"; once depleted, the structure will crumble, either allowing passage or ceasing production. Attackers will only be able to gain entrance by breaching one of the keep's walls, and so clever use of the siege vehicles is the key to taking Wintergrasp.Both offense and defense have access to workshops that can produce vehicles specially designed to help the two sides accomplish their objectives (see the sidebar for more information about the vehicles of Wintergrasp). Each side has a limited number of vehicle slots. Every vehicle that is brought to the field takes up one slot, but not every player will immediately have access to all vehicles. In order to be able to commission and operate a vehicle, players have to be of a certain rank. Rank is a measurement of the player's contribution to the current battle. As a player earns rank, he or she gains access to more powerful vehicles. However, rank is reset after each battle.We are a world class eq2 plat store online.