The most efficient use of Holy Shock is to save it for when you have lost
Holy Shock: Holy shock is one of our few LOTRO Gold ranged magical attacks that deals an instant burst of holy damage this can only be obtained by spending 31 points in the Holy talent tree so not everyone is expected to have it. Because of its high mana cost and long cool down you will not want to use it very often.
The most efficient use of Holy Shock is to save it for when you have lost the mobs attention and need to pull it back right away. Combining it with a Judgment of Righteousness should create a spike in threat large enough for you to regain the monsters attention.
Since it is a ranged attack you can also use it by pulling mobs from afar and establishing a huge piece of threat in the process.
Usually it is best to use it at the beginning of the fight to spike your threat level. It is also terrible for when you need to do any type of crowd control like a mages Polymorph or priests Shackle Undead since any damage will break them free. But if you know what you are doing you will not need to do any CC at all!
You also have quite a few options when it comes to damage reducing abilities as well. Devotion Aura is pure damage mitigation and nothing else. It will increase your armor and let you live longer, but does nothing to increase your threat.