The druid item set dropped in Molten Core can be found here
Budget items for Ragnaros to reach the minimum fire resistance if you are in a hurry or broke (keep in mind Fiesta Silver that most of them are green and only suitable as emergency fire resistance gear):
The druid item set dropped in Molten Core can be found here.
Black-wing Lair: In Black-wing Lair (BWL) you really need a decent set of gear to last through the really long fights.
For Vael you should have 300+ fire resistances though other stats are not that important for this fight -meaning do everything for fire resistance, even if you have to equip green items. Fire resistance enchantments are essential. From the three drakes onwards all bosses cast shadow flame.
Surviving shadow flame requires a Cloak of Onyxia - though guilds working at BWL should have a sufficient number of Onyxia Scales to provide everyone with one.
Sample gear setup: See Molten Core - Ragnaros gear
The druid item set dropped in Black-wing Lair can be found here: Temple of AhnQiraj
The zone starts at a difficulty level of Molten Core and ends well past Black-wing Lair. Wit will get you a long way in here, but nature resistance gear and nature protection potions make things much, much easier.