The classes are essentially broken down into one of five archetypes in the game
Character Creation: The character selection screen contains the basic information you need while you are creating the character. Just move your mouse over the section you are interested Aion Gold in for a basic description.
This lets you know the level of the creature and whether it is safe to attack. Also, next to the name, is a series of plusses or minuses, which tell you the exact difference in levels for those creatures close to your level. Soloing an orange is a tricky proposition, although not impossible for certain classes. Groups will probably want to concentrate on oranges when possible.
Class Albion: Armsman, Cabalist, Cleric, Friar, Heretic (Catacombs), Infiltrator, Mauler (Labyrinth of the Minotaur), Mercenary, Minstrel, Necromancer (Shrouded Isles), Paladin, Reaver (Shrouded Isles), Scout, Sorcerer, Theurgist, Wizard.
Hibernia: Animist (Shrouded Isles), Bainshee (Catacombs), Bard, Blade master, Champion, Druid, Eldritch, Enchanter, Hero, Mauler (Labyrinth of the Minotaur), Mentalist, Nightshade, Ranger, Warden, Vale walker (Shrouded Isles), Vampiir (Catacombs).
Midgard: Berserker, Bone dancer (Shrouded Isles), Healer, Hunter, Mauler (Labyrinth of the Minotaur), Rune master, Savage (Shrouded Isles), Shadow blade, Shaman, Skald, Spirit master, Thane, Val Kyrie (Catacombs), Warlock (Catacombs), Warrior.
The classes are essentially broken down into one of five archetypes: Tanks and light tanks, casters, stealthers, healers, and hybrids.